Generally speaking, our electronic products come in the following sizes. For freestyle or cinematic, you can choose the stack with 30.5x30.5mm mounting holes. For 3" or smaller drones, you can choose the AIO with 25.5x25.5mm mounting holes. For racing drones, you can choose the stack with 20x20mm mounting holes. When installing these electronic products, shock-absorbing columns are required.
So, how to choose a shock-absorbing column for electronic products?
All in all, for silicone shock-absorbing columns, it is better to choose shock-absorbing columns that are hard and can fill the gap between the PCB board and the screws.
Why choose a harder shock-absorbing column?
Aren't softer shock-absorbing columns generally capable of filtering vibrations?
Our shock-absorbing column, if viewed as a physical model, is second-order. This second-order physical model has two frequency response characteristics. One is the cutoff frequency, which indicates the frequency after which the vibration is attenuated. The other is the resonant frequency, where vibrations within a certain range will be gained and amplified. Ideally, we want its cutoff frequency to be as low as possible, and its resonance frequency to be as high as possible. The lower the cutoff frequency means it can filter more vibrations, making the input signal of the gyroscope cleaner. The higher the resonance frequency, means that its resonance point can be moved very high, which will make it easier for the flight control to process it. But this situation is ideal. In real life, common silicone shock-absorbing columns can only increase or decrease the cutoff frequency and resonance frequency at the same time. In other words, when you use a very soft shock absorber column, there will be a very low cutoff frequency and resonance frequency. Low-frequency resonance is a very troublesome problem for our FC, and it will be very difficult to deal with. If it is dealt with, the flying feel of the drone will become very bad again. If not dealt with, noise within this resonance frequency range will be introduced into our FC, react to the actions of our FC, and then return to your FC, forming a self-excited oscillation. At this time, the drone is vibration, the motor smokes or even burns out. Therefore, we do not recommend choosing softer shock-absorbing columns, let alone installing the stack on soft materials. So we can only choose a harder shock-absorbing column and at the same time raise its cut-off frequency and resonance frequency. At the same time, use the built-in filter in the FC to process these high-frequency vibrations, so that the drone can fly normally.
What material is more suitable for shock-absorbing columns?
Above, we talked about choosing hard shock-absorbing columns, which are for shock-absorbing columns made of silicone. We also have shock-absorbing columns made of other materials that will have even better performance. For example, memory foam. If you are using memory foam, its scientific name is polyurethane. High-molecular polyurethane material can achieve a very good buffering effect. Recall that when we press our hands-on space cotton, there will be a slow rebound. It shows that this material has an excellent damping effect. Using this material as a shock-absorbing column, its cut-off frequency will be very low. At the same time, because the damping effect is very excellent, the impact of resonance will be very small. But it seems that only a very small number of people on the market currently use this material as shock-absorbing columns.
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